

Welcome to our research page featuring recent publications in the field of biostatistics and epidemiology! These fields play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the causes, prevention, and treatment of various health conditions. Our team is dedicated to advancing the field through innovative studies and cutting-edge statistical analyses. On this page, you will find our collection of research publications describing the development of new statistical methods and their application to real-world data. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.




Showing 1 of 4 publications

Evaluating individualized treatment effect predictions: A modelā€based perspective on discrimination and calibration assessment

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the prediction of individualized treatment effects. While there is a rapidly growing literature on the development of such models, there is little literature on the evaluation of their performance. In this paper, we aim to facilitate the validation of prediction models for individualized treatment effects. The estimands of interest are defined based on the potential outcomes framework, which facilitates a comparison of existing and novel measures. In particular, we examine existing measures of discrimination for benefit (variations of the c-for-benefit), and propose model-based extensions to the treatment effect setting for discrimination and calibration metrics that have a strong basis in outcome risk prediction. The main focus is on randomized trial data with binary endpoints and on models that provide individualized treatment effect predictions and potential outcome predictions. We use simulated data to provide insight into the characteristics of the examined discrimination and calibration statistics under consideration, and further illustrate all methods in a trial of acute ischemic stroke treatment. The results show that the proposed model-based statistics had the best characteristics in terms of bias and accuracy. While resampling methods adjusted for the optimism of performance estimates in the development data, they had a high variance across replications that limited their accuracy. Therefore, individualized treatment effect models are best validated in independent data. To aid implementation, a software implementation of the proposed methods was made available in R.

Journal: Stat Med |
Year: 2024
Combining individual patient data from randomized and non-randomized studies to predict real-world effectiveness of interventions

Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials is generally considered the most reliable source of estimates of relative treatment effects. However, in the last few years, there has been interest in using non-randomized studies to complement evidence from randomized controlled trials. Several meta-analytical models have been proposed to this end. Such models mainly focussed on estimating the average relative effects of interventions. In real-life clinical practice, when deciding on how to treat a patient, it might be of great interest to have personalized predictions of absolute outcomes under several available treatment options. This paper describes a general framework for developing models that combine individual patient data from randomized controlled trials and non-randomized study when aiming to predict outcomes for a set of competing medical interventions applied in real-world clinical settings. We also discuss methods for measuring the models' performance to identify the optimal model to use in each setting. We focus on the case of continuous outcomes and illustrate our methods using a data set from rheumatoid arthritis, comprising patient-level data from three randomized controlled trials and two registries from Switzerland and Britain.

Journal: Stat Methods Med Res |
Year: 2022
ISPE-endorsed guidance in using electronic health records for comparative effectiveness research in COVID-19: opportunities and trade-offs

As the scientific research community along with health care professionals and decision-makers around the world fight tirelessly against the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for comparative effectiveness research (CER) on preventive and therapeutic interventions for COVID-19 is immense. Randomized controlled trials markedly underrepresent the frail and complex patients seen in routine care, and they do not typically have data on long-term treatment effects. The increasing availability of electronic health records (EHRs) for clinical research offers the opportunity to generate timely real-world evidence reflective of routine care for optimal management of COVID-19. However, there are many potential threats to the validity of CER based on EHR data that are not originally generated for research purposes. To ensure unbiased and robust results, we need high-quality healthcare databases, rigorous study designs, and proper implementation of appropriate statistical methods. We aimed to describe opportunities and challenges in EHR-based CER for COVID-19-related questions and to introduce best practices in pharmacoepidemiology to minimize potential biases. We structured our discussion into the following topics: 1) Study population identification based on exposure status; 2) Ascertainment of outcomes; 3) Common biases and potential solutions; and 4) Data operational challenges specific to COVID-19 CER using EHR. We provide structured guidance for the proper conduct and appraisal of drug and vaccine effectiveness and safety research using EHR data for the pandemic. This manuscript is endorsed by the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE).

Journal: Clin Pharma and Therapeutics |
Year: 2022
Citation: 8
A few things to consider when deciding whether or not to conduct underpowered research

Hernán, using a hypothetical example, argues that policies that prevent researchers from conducting underpowered observational studies using existing databases are misguided explaining that "[w]hen a causal question is important, it is preferable to have multiple studies with imprecise estimates than having no study at all." While we do not disagree with the sentiment expressed, caution is warranted. Small observational studies are a major cause of distrust in science, mainly because their results are often selectively reported. The hypothetical example used to justify Hernán's position is too simplistic and overly optimistic. In this short response, we reconsider Hernán's hypothetical example and offer a list of other factors - beyond simply the importance of the question - that are relevant when deciding whether or not to pursue underpowered research.

Journal: J Clin Epidemiol |
Year: 2021